Don't be kept in the dark.

In this current age of technology, secrets are now easier to keep. Even your loved ones aren't exceptions. With measures such as passwords and alerts, how will you ever know of such acts? Lighthouse is a security software that uncovers anything hidden in people's gadgets, from messages to private accounts. Nothing will stay hidden from you ever again. What a stalker you are.


After connecting to gadgets of your choice, you can make use of these functions.

Find secrets.

When you turn on Enlighten, all that stays unseen is revealed on the screen. Now, stalking is easier, and you don't have to go checking everything for changes.

Get alerts.

You'll stay updated getting notifications of any new changes, whether it's a new account or contact number. Privacy no longer exists for your target.

Stay connected.

Once you access a gadget without permission , all personal information will be remembered, automating the process.


See the button below ('Enlighten Me')? It simulates the invasive effect of the Lighthouse software on gadgets. Try testing them with the example family below. To go into further detail for stalking, click a phone.

Thank you for trying out this immoral demo!

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Made with blood, sweat and tears by Bianca Aguilar for mHacks